Is there any way to display a validation error that uses the ValidationError binding in the xamWebComboEditor? Also, I was looking at the DefaultStyles in the Infragistics folder and inside the xamWebComboEditor, there is a ControlTemplate for ValidationToolTipTemplate, how is that intended to be used? (if at all)
I tried to bind the validation to my xamcomboeditor but it shows me always an error, even if the values are set correctly.
My code
<dataform:DataField> <ig:XamComboEditor ItemsSource="{Binding Titles}" IsEditable="False" EmptyText="{Binding ComboBox_DefaultSelection, Source={StaticResource Localization}}" SelectedItem="{Binding Title, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True, ValidatesOnExceptions=True, ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors=True}" /> </dataform:DataField>
public override string this[string propertyName] { get {
if (propertyName == "Title") { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Title)) { return ValidationErrorResources.ValidationErrorRequiredField; } }}
public string Title { get { return m_Title; } set { if(value == null || value == m_Title) { return; } m_Title = value; OnNotifyPropertyChanged("Title"); } } private string m_Title;