Is it possible to use other functions for measures like Avg, Min, Max and Count besides Sum?
Many thanks and best regards,
For now aggregation functions are supported from FlatDataProvider. If you use it you can apply different aggregation function to the measure you want to. Bellow is the code how to do this:
IOlapViewModel viewModel = pivotGrid.DataSource;
viewModel.SetMeasureAggregator((IMeasureViewModel)viewModel.Measures[0], MeasureAggregator.Max);
where viewModel.Measures[0] is the first measure in measures list.
Hi Todor,
This is great, I'll try this. Later on (10.3 or later) is there a plan to put this into the data selector control? Somehow it would be great to provide a UI to select the aggregator function for the measures.
Anyway it's great to see how you guys evolve your products based on feedbacks!
Thanks and best regards,
Hi Tamas
We have plans to implement this into measures as a context menu. There is a little limitation and that why it is not in release. I hope in the future to be able to propose it to our customer.
Thanks for your feedback.