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Open Multiple windows in new browser


I need to open xaml page in new browser at each time.

Scenario :-

I have a grid having id in each row as a hyperlinkbutton.When I click on Id suppose 1 I need to open another xaml page in new window.The same way for Id 2,3, on.

I tried this

HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri("Web.CortexTestPage.aspx", UriKind.Relative), "_blank");

but did not get how to bind the xaml to the above page...

Please suggest the solution.

Thanks in advance...

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    So you're using the XamGrid?

    I'm not 100% sure about what you're asking. 

    But if you just want to bind to a Uri property you can use the HyperlinkColumn:

    <ig:HyperlinkColumn Key="YourUriProperty" TargetName="_blank"/>

    If you need to customize your UriProperty, or convert it to a Uri, you can use the ValueConverter property on the HyperlinkColumn with your own IValueConverter:

    <ig:HyperlinkColumn Key="YourUriProperty" TargetName="_blank" ValueConverter="{StaticResource yourConverter}"/>

    Or, if you need to build a uri off of various properties of your data, you can use an UnboundColumn:

    <ig:UnboundColumn Key="navigate">



                                <HyperlinkButton NavigateUri="{Binding RowData, Converter={StaticResource yourConverter}}"  TargetName="_blank"/>





    Hope this helps, 

