In our latest service release there is a new feature that allows you to use Basic, Windows or Digest authentication when you make the connection to msmdpump.dll. If that is what you need you can set the right credentials within XAML or in code behind:
<olap:XmlaNetworkCredential Domain="domain"
Do not set the Domain property when you are using Digest authentication.
I mention the details of the scenario:When the user logs in, he can only see one or more specific databases and even some specific Cubes.I wanted to change the XamPivotDataSelector control, eliminating the databases and cubes that the user is not allowed to see, but could not.
I'm using the msmdpump.dll.
Carlos Rdz.
Has there been any response to this question?
When I added XmlaNetworkCredentials functionality to my XmlaDataSource, the code for GenerateInitialDatabase stopped working.
I would like to be able to set the default database in code, but I can't find any APIs that allow that.
Generating an initial database has nothing with the credentials. Try to listen for LoadSchemaCompleted or LoadCubesCompleted events and check the arguments for an exception. Probably in SSAS you need to have a role which to give an access to the user specified in the network credentials.
If you want to play with roles there is an option to restrict the access just to the roles you want:
Create a connection settings as follows
<olap:XmlaConnectionSettings x:Key="xmlaSettings"
ServerUri="http://[your server name]/olap/msmdpump.dll"
<olap:XmlaQueryProperty PropertyName="Roles" Value="[PlaceYourRolesHere]"/>
and pass these settings to you XmlaDataSource.ConnectionSettings propery.
Here you can find all supported XMLA properties.
I have the same scenario here. Couldn't generate the initial database to be a default db for a specific user ? Is there any answers or suggestions to solve this ?