There is a similar post:MaximumSize of RadioButtonTool cannot be "ImageAndTextLarge"
Am I missing something - am unable to affect the size of the graphic
Example page:ApplicationMenu2010.xaml
If I change the MaximumSize="ImageAndTextNormal"
There is no change in the size of the graphic
<ig:ButtonTool MaximumSize="ImageAndTextNormal" Caption="{Binding Source={StaticResource Strings}, Path=XWR_SaveButton}" LargeImage="/Infragistics.Samples.Silverlight.Resources.LOB;component/Images/Samples/XamRibbon/Save32.png" SmallImage
Thank you!
So, the MaximumSize and MinimumSize properties will only affect the visual appearance of the ButtonTool when it's placed on the main ribbon surface (inside a Ribbon Tab). The visual state cannot be changed when the tool is placed on other locations, like the QuickAccessToolbar or the ApplicationMenu.
Hope that helps,
Thank you Georgi for the quick reply!
This does beg the question: why the attribute was included in the sampleIt gave the impression it was able to be changed