I’m having several issues with XamRibbonOne of the easiest to demonstrate:
1.) Create a new Silverlight 4.0 Business Application
2.) Take “ApplicationMenu2010.xaml” from the IG samples browser, and drop it in About.xaml as the last control of the StackPanel following the “Text="About page content"/>”such as <Views:ApplicationMenu2010 />(also bring in the associated resource files RibbonStrings.resx, and create a reference to Infragistics.Samples.Silverlight.Resources.LOB.dll)
3.) Notice the tabs and graphics do not show
4.) Remove the ScrollViewer, StackPanel, and TextBlock controls from the About.xaml, leaving:<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <Views:ApplicationMenu2010 /></Grid>5.) Notice the tabs and graphics are now showing
I’m also having some real issues with exceptions being thrown clear out to the HTML web page, getting trapped in the javascript function: onSilverlightError()
These exceptions are apparently being thrown from within IG assemblies
I am unable to trap/breakpoint the exception in app.xaml.cs at: Application_UnhandledException():
Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application Code: 4009 Category: ManagedRuntimeError Message: Element is already the child of another element.
This usually occurs when selecting the “Office2010ApplicationMenuTabTool”, but also occurs when setting the tabs visibility to collapsed or visible
I could use some help here as to the best way to trap this exception from within a debug session
I have a demo of the first issue described above, but am unable to upload the sample code due to upload size restrictions (will this ever be addressed?)
Thank you!
Could you try to perform a "Clean" on your solution before attaching it? You could also delete any content in Bin\Debug folder of the SL project. If you have a web project in your solution that hosts the Silverlight App, you should also delete any content in the ClientBin folder of the Web project.
This should reduce the size of the sample so you can attach it to the forum post. If you could do that, I'll be happy to take a look into it.
Thank you Georgi for the quck response
I've started a support ticket - CAS-55675-06680Y, and attached the sample there
Hopefully the missing tabs/graphics are something silly on my part, although certainly unexpected behaviour when simply dropping the IG control into the unmodified Business App
I'd spent a considerable amount of time tracking down the second issue: exceptions being thrownThis too is something I hope I've done wrong, but I've been using that same approach in other projects.
I sure would like to know the best way to trap the exception being throw out to javascript onSilverlightError(). Breakpoints or Debugger.Break() in app.xaml.cs at Application_UnhandledException() are not being hit.