Infragistic control Grid show wrong row number count while selecting row from top including selecting filter row also.
For example if grid contains 5 rows and we are selecting top 2 rows (which include Selecting Filter row which is by default present for filtering the row .) then while pressing del key it will show "You have choosen 3 records for Deletion".
Please provide appropriate solution to this problem.
Satish Pandey
I was not able to reproduce your described issue. I am attaching a project to this post with the settings I used. Could you clarify what settings differences there might be? Could you also tell me what version of the control that you are using.
Hi ,
I am using Version 2010 volume 2 .
There is not any setting you have to do , just add XamDataPresenter to your Project and populate it with records. Then select rows from top to specified row including filter row also(filter row is just below column heading) , then press delete key an error box will displayed specifying wrong no of rows selected.
Attached is the pdf for your reference.