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Compression on large files.


The application I am currently working on is a Silverlight OOB application (say, Application A) which generates Silverlight applications (say, Application B) dynamically. I have been using Infragistics compression library to create the XAP file dynamically.

Here is a glimpse of the structure. The resulting XAP file (XAP file for Application B) is carried around in the hosting Silverlight OOB application (Application A). The assets that go into the new XAP file (Application B) are in the user's MyDocuments folder. I have been able to use Infragistics Compression Libraray to extract the new XAP file and add the assets from user's MyDocuments folder and then produce the resultant XAP file. This process works fine.

The problem arises when large (~300MB) asset files are encountered which need to go into the output XAP file. With a couple of these files the resultant XAP file quickly becomes around 1GB. I am using byte array to compile the ZipFile. 

Am I right in saying that it is not possible to give a combination of stream input and byte array input to the ZipFile?

Is there an effective way to manage and build large ZIP files using ZipFile and ZipEntry?



  • 435


      I am not sure if I am understanding your question right, but you wish to add some items into the ZipFile using both streams and byte[]?  Have you used the static method overloads on ZipEntry.CreateFile()?  Two of those overloads take file name, location in archive, and then either a stream or byte[].

      You can then add the result of ZipEntry.CreateFile to add into you ZipFile's .Entries property.



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