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xammap navigation performance


I have latest version of XamMap (latest service release) and if I add 100 SymbolElements, and a shape file of 50kb with ~50 shapes, navigation (e.g. zooming in and out) gets already quite slow. I feel that the number of SymbolElements is affecting the performance quite drastically.(more than the size of the shapefile does) 

If I add 1000 SymbolElements (small .png file), Navigation becomes virtually impossible. On Bing Maps Silverlight control, I was previously able to add 5000 elements and navigate still quite smoothly.

The threshold of a smooth navigation is too low. I already add all the SymbolElements in one go to the ElementCollection, and 100 data points is not a whole lot.

This low performance is a show stopper for us using Infragistics XamMap (or stopper for buying additional licenses). Is there any way Infragistics could look at improving the performance?

Thanks for letting me know.
