I am trying to use reporting tool. I have created sample project.
I need to know how to assign datasource in WPF file for report1.igr in below tag.
Thanks for help,
You can bind the data source defined in the report directly in the XAML using Bindings, like this:
<ig:ClientRenderSettings DefinitionUri="MyNamespace.Orders.igr, MyAssembly">
<ig:DataSource TargetDataSource="Order_Detail"
ItemsSource="{Binding OrdersDataSource}" />
“Order_Detail” is the name of the data source defined at design-time.
You can see examples of this on pages 138 and 236-237 of the documentation (notice that when you install the CTP a PDF containing the documentation gets installed too).
You can also programmatically set a new RenderSettings configuration specifying the report you want to render and the data sources you want to use.
May be if you give me more information about what you are specifically trying to accomplish I can help you better.
Hi ,
Thanks for reply. I created report1.igr in WpfApplication and connected sql server (Datasource= SqlDataSource1) at design time. It's simple connecting NorthWind Database and showing Employee table.
Also added one MainWindow.xaml file . In xaml file ,added XamReportViewer control to show report from report1.igr.
I have following query
1) Can we show report in XAML file ?
2) Need to know ClientRenderSettings tag in XAML file so that I can show report1.igr in XAML file.