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Question on multiple DataSource


i would like to ask a quetion.

I saw that in report we can set more than 1 datasource.What's the porpuse of this??

Also if i set 2 datasource how will the xaml be?? (as in xaml also set the entity name in reportviewer's datasource setting).

I created an invoice report for person and adress.(to print person and his address) I did that creating a view on db and groupping the rows.

If i want to load persons and address as separate and set them as data source without using view. Is it possible somehow ???


  • 3070


    Supporting multiple data sources allows you to combine several portions of data in the same report. For example in a DashBoard you can display several charts, each one based on a different data source. Currently each data source is independent from the others. You can’t combine them, i.e. you can’t simulate a join inside the report. Joins operations must be resolved at the data level. In order to do what you want with Persons and Address you will need to do a join, so you have to use a View or an SQL sentence.

    Being able to combine data sources inside the report is a v.Future feature.

    If you have several data sources in your report at the Xaml level you can specify one ig:DataSource for each Data Source. For example:

    <ig:XamReportViewer Name="xamReportViewer1">


            <ig:ClientRenderSettings DefinitionUri="...">


                    <ig:DataSource TargetDataSource="DS1" ItemsSource="{Binding DS1}" />

                    <ig:DataSource TargetDataSource="DS2" ItemsSource="{Binding DS2}" />








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