I keep getting this exception whenever I try to bind Range I get this exception:
e.ExceptionObject {System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Infragistics.Controls.XamZoombar.UpdateThumb(Range range)
at Infragistics.Controls.XamZoombar.UpdateThumb()
at Infragistics.Controls.XamZoombar.UpdateElementPositions()
at Infragistics.Controls.XamZoombar.SizeUpdated()
at Infragistics.Controls.XamZoombar.XamZoombar_LayoutUpdated(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.OnLayoutUpdated(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at MS.Internal.JoltHelper.RaiseEvent(IntPtr target, UInt32 eventId, IntPtr coreEventArgs, UInt32 eventArgsTypeIndex)} System.Exception {System.NullReferenceException}
Here is the XAML:
Style="{StaticResource ZoomZoomBarStyle}"
Maximum="{Binding Path=ZoomBarRange.End,
Converter={StaticResource DateTimeToOADateConv},
Minimum="{Binding Path=ZoomBarRange.Start,
SmallChange="{Binding Path=SelectedZoomLevel.Span.TotalDays}"
LargeChange="{Binding Path=SelectedZoomLevel.Span.TotalDays}"
Range="{Binding Path=Range,
Converter={StaticResource TimeRangeToIGRangeConv},
Mode=TwoWay}" />
If I comment out the Range attribute the exception goes away. I placed a breakpoint in both the getter and the setter for Range and ZoomBarRange. Neither of them are ever hit before the exception is thrown. Is this a bug in the ZoomBar?
Try looking at this forum post:
That doesn't help. In fact, I'm the person who found that bug and posted it on the forum in the first place. That bug has been fixed but this is something new.