I have Xamgrid in when when the user edits value I am show a messagebox
If value >20 then it should show message that is value you entered is > 20 ok/cancel
Ok should restore value and cancel should bring back the whole value
What should be done so that cancel restores the original value?
In cell exited edit mode I have
if (e.Cell.Row.RowType == RowType.DataRow) { if (null != e.Cell.Row.Data) { xxx data = e.Cell.Row.Data as xxx; if(data.field1 > 20) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("adjust value by 20.OK/Cancel?", "xxx", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (result == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { } } } }
Use the CellExitingEditMode event.
If canceled, you can set e.Cancel = true;
Doing this it gets triggered multiple times but the cancel does not show old value in the xamgrid cell
Anything that must be missing in the line of code i have above