I'd like to be able to set the width on the legend of a timeline. Here's my current code:
<Style x:Key="XamLegendStyle" TargetType="ig:TimelineLegend">
<Setter Property="Width">
This does not work as expected. Any ideas?
Did you set this style to the Timeline.LegendStyle property?
<Setter Property="Width" Value="10" />
<ig:XamTimeline LegendStyle="{StaticResource XamLegendStyle}" …
Yes, I added that. When I saw the response, I thought I had made a simple mistake, but suprisingly it still didn't affect the results.
Any more ideas?
Sorry to double post.
Thanks for your help, but it turns out that the timeline control was being rebuilt in the code-behind and did not have the new style applied to it.