How we can handle NULL (MISSING) values in XamDataChart?
For example we have 10 points in chart and 4th, 5th and 6th, points value is MISSING then series go to X-Axis for these points but I want to show a straight line. For example, I want to assign 7th point value to missing points (4th, 5th & 6th) and want to mark thse missing point somehow which depicts that these points value were missing.
Any work around for it?
Presuming you are doing a line chart you could try:
When I try to set "UnKnownValuePlotting" property to LinearInterpolate then my chart will look like this.
I don't know why extra (blue) color shade come over the line series? If I remove above property then it does not come but values are empty at these datapoints in series.
Are you using the latest service release of the product? This seems like an error that was fixed in a previous version.
Here is my series definition for this specific line.
<ig:LineSeries Thickness="2" MarkerType="None" Title="Actual Price" ItemsSource="{Binding ChartSource}" ValueMemberPath="Value1" Legend="{Binding ElementName=AMLegend}"
TransitionDuration="0:0:1.5" XAxis="{Binding ElementName=xAxis1}" YAxis="{Binding ElementName=yAxis1}" UnknownValuePlotting="LinearInterpolate" />