I'm having a problem where I can't get a chart to group data properly. Specifics:
Here is a screenshot of example data after being queried (this query is what my report is based upon):
Next, I added a group to my report and populated it with the Name field from above. Last, I put the chart in the group body (not the report DetailSection) and assigned the CategoryXAxis to the Category field from above, and the ColumnSeries to Result_Average from above.
The result that I'm getting is that the first page will be the 'HVAC Sales' group, but as opposed to the chart showing the category averages for each of its categories, it's showing the averages from all groups. So i would expect to see one vertical bar above "Overall Performance". But instead, I see 5 vertical bars over that category. Screenshot:
Anyone have any idea as to what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
Hi Brad,
This is a limitation we have in the CTP. You can only assign the entire datasource to a chart. So even though you place the chart inside a group it will not be filtered. This limitation will be removed for V1.
And V1 is coming out in early Q4 2011, correct?