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UltraWebGrid scrolling issues in Chrome, Safari

I have an aspx page with UltraWebGrid v 10.3 (10.3.20103.2164) which I am able to make scrollable in IE 8/9 and Firefox by the following code:


            gridMain.DisplayLayout.StationaryMargins = 

                _initHeaderFooter != null ? StationaryMargins.HeaderAndFooter :


            gridMain.DisplayLayout.BorderCollapseDefault = BorderCollapse.NotSet;


            gridMain.DisplayLayout.ScrollBar = ScrollBar.Always;

            gridMain.DisplayLayout.ScrollBarView = ScrollBarView.Vertical;

            gridMain.DisplayLayout.FrameStyle.CustomRules = "table-layout:fixed";

            gridMain.DisplayLayout.FrameStyle.Height = new Unit(250);

            gridMain.DisplayLayout.FixedHeaderStyleDefault.CssClass = "invWebTableFixedHeader";

However, the grid isn't scrollable in Chrome or Safari - The entire grid contents display, overflowing my frame and looking pretty ugly.

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