My grid contains a GroupColumn containing 3 editable value-columns and 1 readonly unbound summary-column which value is calculated by a ValueConverter:
The Sum column won't be recalculated if one of the 3 values change, thus I tried to use the ActiveCellChanged event to access the Sum-cell and call a Refresh() from there.
Since I wasn't able to access the Sum-cell I was wondering, if there is an easy way to recalculate the Sum-column?
You can access the unbound cell via the row's cellscollection and call the .Refresh off that
private void grid_CellExitedEditMode
(object sender, Infragistics.Controls.Grids.CellExitedEditingEventArgs e) { ((UnboundCell)e.Cell.Row.Cells[ (UnboundColumn)grid.Columns.AllColumns["xxx"] ]).Refresh(); }
You would not be able to access the cell via the key value. You could use the actual column object and
find it using that.
- Edit -
Just typing it out a different way so that I know its visible
UnboundColumn uc = (UnboundColumn)grid.Columns.AllColumns["XXX"];
UnboundCell cell = (UnboundCell)e.Cell.Row.Cells[uc];
Hi Darrell
Thanks a lot! This seems to work so far and the calculated cell contains the correct value.
But unfortunately the refresh method doesn't update the value in the grid. Do you have another idea?