Is there a simple way to draw a PolyLine ? I am trying to do this within these event handlers but it doesn't work:
private void xamMap_MapMouseMove(object sender, MapMouseEventArgs e)
private void xamMap_PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Programatically it works. I mean that the PolyLine object is filling with the new coordinates and then I close it to become a Polygon, but I can't see it visually
Hi VipSoftware,
Please take a look at this forum thread and also at this article.
Hope that helps,Milana Zhileva
I decided to test your example from this link but nothing happened.
I see no line. I use the "drawLayer".
I am trying this on WPF not Silverlight, but I think the data visualization is the same.
I am trying to recreate the DeepEarth Digitizer. When I draw some points (no matter how many) and when I zoom, I see the PathElement about a second and it disappears.So I think my problem is about rendering the element or the visibility of the layer.
Here you can take a look on the DigitizerExample.