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Template Column Web Image Button CommandArgument

I was searching through the old forums trying to figure out how to bind a value to a Templated Column that is using an Web Image Button. For the most part, I saw unanswered posts from a long time ago. I finally found the answer, so I will post it:

This is what the column code looks like for the grid in the aspx page: 

<igtbl:TemplatedColumn Key="RecId" BaseColumnName="RecId" AllowRowFiltering="false" Width="25px">


<igtxt:WebImageButton ID="btnLink" runat="server"


OnCommand="btnLink_Command" CommandArgument="<%# Container.Value%>" ToolTip="Edit Security">


<Image Url="~/Image/icon/ico_edit.gif" />






Here is the code behind button command event:

protected void btnLink_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)


string i = e.CommandArgument.ToString();


 I do have one other question though, is it possible to send the data for more than one column or the entire row using the code above?

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