In my application I would like to use a XamTimeline control to act as a date selector. using the event point to represent how much data is available on a certain date.
I am having trouble completely hiding the scene.
I followed this example https://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/retired-products-and-controls/51667/how-to-use-the-xamzoombar-as-a-date-selector
When I set the MinHeight on the XamTimeline the event data points and date labels disappear.
If I don't set the MinHeight then I have a big white bar at the top that pushes the content down.
I have tried to fake a picture to show you what I mean since my application is on our intranet.
I was able to reproduce the issue using silverlight DV Startup solution.
MyTimeline is described as follows.
<ig:XamTimeline x:Name="timeline" MinHeight="70" Height="70"><ig:XamTimeline.Axis><ig:DateTimeAxis /></ig:XamTimeline.Axis><ig:XamTimeLine.PreviewAxis><ig:PreviewAxis ShowLabels="True"></ig:XamTimeLine.PreviewAxis><ig:XamTimeline.Series><ig:DateTimeSeries DataSource="{Binding Path=DateTimeEntries}" DataMapping="Time=Time; Details=Details;Title=Title; Duration=Duration" /></ig:XamTimeline.Series></ig:XamTimeline>
I have tried overriding the contentTemplate of the scene but no luck.
Any Ideas?