I have a xamgrid that is built with code behind columns. They work fine, however if I use a Converter, the column never calls the ConvertBack() method, however the Convert() method does get called.
This may be because codebehind columns are defaulted to OneWay Binding, but I do not know how to set the binding mode in code behind.
If it is not the binding mode I don't know what could be causing this, any help would be appreciated.
Hi Chad,
XamGrid's columns have two properties related to Converters and these are ValueConverter and EditorValueConverter. When a cell is not in edit mode the binding is one way and only the Convert method of the converter provided to ValueConverter is used. When a cell is in edit mode the converter provided to EditorValueConverter is used and in this case the binding is TwoWay an the ConvertBack method is used.
I suppose you have use only ValueConverter and that is why the ConvertBack method is not hit.
Hope this helps,
Sorry I should have mentioned that the filter row is not converting the value properly.
So I have a TimeSpan Column, I use a converter to show the timespan as : 1h 2m 1s.
however if I try to filter that column with a starts with filter "1h" I get an exception because it can't convert the string "1h" to timespan. I figured the ConvertBack would kick in if the column has a converter hooked up. How could I get this to work?