Is there an ID property for row object?
The reason I ask: To use AJAX TK HoverMenuExtender to create hover menu outside the grid, need to use ID of row as TargetControlID. Microsoft's grid does have row ID.
If there is no equivalent row ID, is there a way to create hover menu outside UltraWebGrid? Thanks.
Hi Chris,
Each WebGrid row can be referenced with an ID in the DOM, but the row objects themselves don't have ID properties (on the server side). The ID's are constructed as follows [GridID]_r_[row index]. So for example, the first row of "UltraWebGrid1" will have an id of UltraWebGrid1_r_0
Hope this helps,
Thanks, Tony!
I need server side row ID like Microsoft's grid to use HoverMenuExtender to show a menu for the row that mouse is over, and the hover menu should be outside the grid.
Is there any pure Infragistics way to do this?
I always like to say that anything is possible, it's just a question of how much code it will take. In this case, you'll want to add an event listener to the row element for mouseover. On that event, you can use the WebDialogWindow to pop up a window (or you can use a div element but that will require a little more work). The hard part will be figuring out how to link a row, with it's child data, and where that data gets stored. I'd recommend using an IFrame, and passing in a querystring parameter with the parent row key.
I am looking to do something similar. I want to be able to mouse hover over a row, and show heirarchical data, instead of leaving that data in the grid which needs expansion. The image linked here has the Order data, which is what I would like to show in a hover "bubble" instead of in the grid itself, is this possible?
Thanx for the possible help!
You could use the client-side events of the WebGrid but you'd have to manage hiding and showing the menu yourself. The problem with assigning a RowID to each row is that it requires each row to be a WebControl, which is an extremely heavyweight way to do things.
Can you explain a little more the scenario you are attempting to support by using the HoverMenuExtender? I think once I understand that scenario, I can offer some alternatives.