When I Create a new Report , the property font size is 12pt . If i want work with a font size of 10 pt , I Must change one by one each field.
How do to change the default values ( all property )
Thank you Caisseodev
I found a way to do this.
I Open the file Igr with the Xml Editor And I Can Work my Report .
Is this the right way ,
Thank CaisseOdev
Hi Caisse
In the report designer you can change the font sizes on multiple selected controls. For instance lets say you have a few labels and a table in your report. You can select all the labels as well as all the cells in the table and change their font sizes at once through the properties window. This is much faster than selecting each label/cell one at a time.
Editing the IGR file is just another way to do this same thing. I would suggest using the above method for changing the font sizes though, as it's a safer option than editing the underlying file manually.
Let me know if you have any questions.