I am trying to customize the resource strings of the XamRibbon the same way I as I id on XamGrid but it doesn't work.
As you can see it works on grid but doesn't on ribbon.
Any help would be appreciated.
Best regards,
Hi Ingo,
I couldn't understand how exactly you're setting the customized strings on the ribbon from the given snippet. But basically, to change the strings in the "Customize QAT" menu you have two options:
1. Set the strings directly through the properties exposed by the ribbon:
igRibbon.QuickAccessToolbar.MinimizeRibbonCaption = "Lint minimaliseren"; igRibbon.QuickAccessToolbar.MenuHeaderCaption = "Aanpassen Werkbalk Snelle Toegang"; igRibbon.QuickAccessToolbar.ShowAboveRibbonCaption = "Toon boven het lint"; igRibbon.QuickAccessToolbar.ShowBelowRibbonCaption = "Toon onder het lint"; igRibbon.QuickAccessToolbar.MoreCommandsCaption = "[Test] More Commands";
2. Provide your customized strings via a resource file, as described here:
Hope this helps,
Thanks for your reply.
I was able to customize the resources of the XamGrid using the provided link. I want to do this the same way for the ribbon but it seems not to work!