Hello Infragistics team,
I have an UltraWebTab control with tree tabs like tab1,tab2 and tab3.
The focus is set to the first tab header and the content is also loaded. (tab1 has tabIndex= 1 , the others tabs have tabIndex = -3)
With ARROW key I want to set the focus to the next tab header but the content of that tab should not be loaded.If I reach my required tab and click <ENTER> key, the content of the selected tab should be loaded now.
Can you please guide me how to set the focus on the next tab header with <ARROW> key.
Thanks, Aleks
Hi Aleks,
I'm looking into this for you. I'm currently putting together a sample that demonstrates how to allow you to use the arrow keys to select the tabs without loading the new tab until you press Enter. I will have another update for you sometime tomorrow.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
I'm still putting together a sample to demonstrate this. I'm currently trying to get the keyboard input to allow this to work. I will have another update on this tomorrow.
If you have any questions please let me know.