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Problem: process a cube (in SSAS) by using XAML


Does anyone know how I can process a cube, in SSAS, whith a button in the application that I created?

The application was created with the components XamPivotDataSelector, and XamPivotGrid XamDataChart.

My aplication contain only XAML code.

Best Regards



No Data
  • 17559

    Hello Sseixas,


    I have been looking through your questions and I can suggest you have a look at the following link from our sample browser where is shown how you can bound XamPivotGrid, XamDataChart and XamPivotDataSelector to common XmlaDataSource:


    As shown in the you can just define all of your columns, rows and measures in your XamlaDataSource:

    1. <igOlap:XmlaDataSource x:Key="DataSource"
    2.                          ServerUri=""
    3.                          Database="Adventure Works DW Standard Edition"
    4.                          Cube="Adventure Works"
    5.                          Filters="[Sales Territory].[Sales Territory Country]{[Sales Territory].[Sales Territory Country].&amp;[United Kingdom]}"
    6.                          Columns="[Date].[Calendar]"
    7.                          Rows="[Geography].[City]"
    8.                          Measures="Reseller Sales Amount" />

    And every change in the hierarchies will be applied to all of the components bound to this common datasource. For example if you expand some of the hierarchies from XamPivotGrid, they will get expanded in XamDataChart as well.


    If you have any additional questions on this matter, please feel free to ask.

  • 205
    posted in reply to [Infragistics] Elena

    Hello Elena Ganeva 

    Sorry for the delay in responding your post.

    What I want is to create a button and wen clicking, he process the cube / multidimensional database that I have on my machine.

    This button is to insert in my solution with Infragistics components (xamPivotGrid, xamPivotDataSelector, xamDataChart, xamPieChat). When the user clicks the button you want and process the cube in question selected or selected database.

    Best regards
