Am programmatically adding an unboundColumn, adding a ValueConverter to it and adding a ConditionalFormatCollection by defining EqualToConditional to change the background of the cell depending on the cell value, It doesnt work.
Below is the code
Style s = new Style();s.TargetType = typeof(ConditionalFormattingCellControl);s.Setters.Add(new Setter(ConditionalFormattingCellControl.BackgroundProperty, new SolidColorBrushColors.Green)));
equalRule = new EqualToConditionalFormatRule();equalRule.Value = 1; equalRule.StyleToApply = s;equalRule.StyleScope = StyleScope.Cell;
UnboundColumn imgColumn = new UnboundColumn { Key = brkr.BrokerName + "Img" }; imgColumn.ValueConverter = new CommentTypeIconConverterX();imgColumn.ValueConverterParameter = brkr.BrokerName + "Img";imgColumn.HeaderText = " ";imgColumn.ConditionalFormatCollection.Add(equalRule);xamFileDetailsGrid.Columns.Add(imgColumn);
Hi doyouknowme,
Conditional formatting rules check the underlying data object so in order to apply one to an UnboundColumn you can create a custom rule and perform logic on your data object that determines what style to apply to the current cell or null for no style. I've attached a sample that demonstrates how you could do this.
Let me know if you have any questions on this.
Let me know if you have any further questions on this matter.