Hello. I've a XamTileManager in a StackPanel.
In the LayoutUpdated of the XamTileManager event I want to change the text a textblock which is in the StackPanel but that makes the event fire again.
Why is this happening?
Hello dpaska90,
We are still following this forum thread.Have you been able to verify if would be possible for you to provide us a small application that reproduces the mentioned behavior?
If you have any other questions or concerns about this matter please do not hesitate to contact us.
I haven't reply because for some reason I didn't recieve the email of the first answer by Stefan Stoyanov.
I've just attached an example.
I have been looking into your sample and the LayoutUpdated event fires only once. I used the SilverlightApplication1.rar sample from your initial post. Please let me know if I there should be a second sample that failed to go through, or if I have misunderstood you in any way?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yes, thanks. I forgot to mark the answer as correct. As well as the answer doesn't actually solve my problem, I know I shouldn'g go that way. I didn't continue because I'm not in that project any more, but the missunderstud was with the event name, and not with Infragistics functionality.
I am just checking the progress of this issue and was wondering if you managed to achieve your goal or if you need any further assistance on the matter.
If the above suggestion helped you solve your issue please verify the thread as answered so other users may take better advantage of it.
Hi again,
I seem to have misread your initial post. I was able to reproduce the behavior you described using your sample, however this is to be expected as described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ie/library/system.windows.frameworkelement.layoutupdated(en-us,VS.95).aspx . You will also be able to witness the same behavior if you change the XamTileManager in your sample with and Grid object, like so:
<Grid LayoutUpdated="Grid_LayoutUpdated" />
<!--<ig:XamTileManager LayoutUpdated="XamTileManager_LayoutUpdated" />-->
<TextBlock x:Name="lbl" />
Please let me know if you require any further clarification on the matter.
I've tested it in two different machines. I've a break at the line i++; and it doesn't stop stopping there. If I comment the line which changes TextBlock.Text it starts working perfectly.