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XamDataChart zoombar styling


Could you please tell me how to style the built-in zoombar that comes with the xamDataChart? I have created a custom style that gets applied to XamZoombar controls used outside of the chart and I want this applied to the built-in controls also. Setting all the available styling properties for vertical/horizontal properties i.e. HorizontalScaleLeftStyle, HorizontalScrollLeftStyle etc. seems to set the styles to a degree, but there is clearly some additional styles/templates at work:

Style applied to XamZoombar outside of chart:

Style applied to built-in chart zoombar:

Code to set styles:

chart.HorizontalZoombar.Style = Application.Current.Resources["XamZoombarStyle"as Style;
            chart.HorizontalZoombar.HorizontalThumbStyle = Application.Current.Resources["HorizontalThumbStyle"as Style;
            chart.HorizontalZoombar.HorizontalScaleLeftStyle = Application.Current.Resources["HorizontalScaleLeftStyle"as Style;
            chart.HorizontalZoombar.HorizontalScaleRightStyle = Application.Current.Resources["HorizontalScaleRightStyle"as Style;
            chart.HorizontalZoombar.HorizontalScrollLeftStyle = Application.Current.Resources["HorizontalScrollLeftStyle"as Style;
            chart.HorizontalZoombar.HorizontalScrollRightStyle = Application.Current.Resources["HorizontalScrollRightStyle"as Style;
  • 138253
    Offline posted



    It has been a while since you have made your post, in case you still need support I will be glad to assist you further. I suppose the other community members can benefit from this answer as well. I have been looking into your post and I created a sample project for you with the functionality you want. Basically I handled the XamDataChart’s Loaded event and get the Vertical and Horizontal Zoombars and set their Style Properties.


    Feel free to write me if you have further questions.
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