how to make the user to select only mondays in the ultrawebdatechooser?
Hi gagani,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
You can achieve this handling the CalendarValueChanging client-side event:
function WebDateChooser1_CalendarValueChanging(oCalendar, oDate, oEvent){ if (oDate.getDay() != 1) { oEvent.cancel = true; }}
Please let me know if this helps.
can we able to alert the user with "not-allowed" when the cursoris on other days when he tries to select?
<igsch:webdatechooser id="txt_DateFrom" runat="server" ClientSideEvents-CalendarValueChanging="_calendarchanging()" nulldatelabel="" style="z-index: 104; left: 395px; position: absolute; top: 128px"> <CALENDARLAYOUT TitleFormat="Month" PrevMonthImageUrl="ig_cal_blueP0.gif" NextMonthImageUrl="ig_cal_blueN0.gif" /></igsch:webdatechooser>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">function _calendarvaluechanging(oCalendar, oDate, oEvent){ if (oDate.getDay() != 1) { oEvent.cancel = true; }}
But there is no effect.
When the user opens the calendar, all the days and dates should be visible(but only the dates of mondays to be enabled of every month to select, all others should be disabled).
Thank you for your time in advance.