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CustomValueEnteredAction ?????

I have a multicolumncombobox bound with a list of names (broker). Users can enter their own values (brokers outside of the company) into the controls text. CustomValueEnteredAction is set to Allow. Up to this point everything works fine.
Now, the form data are stored in a separate table. The list of brokers will not be updated with the user input. If I reload the data into the form, the entered name (added broker) is in the record.
How can I fill the controls text again with this value programmatically?
best wishes



  • 30945
    Offline posted

    Hello Manfred,


    Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I am not completely sure I understand your scenario. Would you please provide me with more detailed information on what you are referring to by “the form data is stored in a separate folder” and if possible more detailed description on the functionality that you are trying to achieve?


    Looking forward to hearing from you.




    Developer Support Engineer


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