Hi all,
i want to add a applet into panel layout and i want to set the param value of the applet how can i do that.
and i have tried like this but, the value of the param is sending as it is like #{test.userName} instead of actual value.
help me in this regard .
<h:panelGrid binding="#{test.gridPanel1}" id="gridPanel1" style="height: 648px; left: -24px; top: -24px; position: absolute" width="552"> <applet ARCHIVE="lms-common.jar" CODE="ScheduleViewDesign.class" CODEBASE="../Clientlib/" HEIGHT="570" NAME="recursionpanelapplet" WIDTH="550" id="appletID"> <param name="userName" value="#{test.userName}"/> </applet> </h:panelGrid>
Dayananda B V
Hello, Dayananda!
I tried to make a simple application in which I set the param value of a simple applet. It worked that way:
<applet code="com.infragistics.fapp.HelloWorld.class" width="200" height="200">
Hello, dayanandabv!
To your first question. I suppose you cannot send request to the server directly from your Java applet that is running in your browser. Try using JavaScript. Regarding your second question refer to the post above.