I have a control on a page which contains 3 tabs. Personal info, Contact info, Payment info. Each tab content will be an aspx page. Wen I set the content target url to each page it works all fine. Only issue that I have is the height.
I made the tab.Height = Unit.Empty at page load so the tab will expand if the content is a user control. When I have the aspx page as a content it puts a scroll bar. I really wanted to show the whole page under each tab instead of half a page with scroll bar. Is there anyway to achieve this?
Add to that, I have page a master page which I have speicified a table hegiht which will contain a tab control. Now the tab control has a user control which contains ultrawebgrid. Now set up the tab and the grid heigh to Unit.Empty. Again it works fine the tab and the grid, but it came out of the page height definded. I have body with black background and the content page with white background. I really thought the page will expand on its own but it didn't. Is there any way to handle this?
Any suggestion would be appriciated.
Thank you.
How will you set the target url? There is no propery called Targeturl. It has only DummyTargetURL and LoadAllTargetUrl? Are both these same? Please reply
You can use the Target property of of link control that you use. Please take a look at the code below:
<igtab:UltraWebTab ID="UltraWebTab1" runat="server" SelectedTab="1">
<igtab:Tab Text="Tab1">
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" NavigateUrl="http://ko.infragistics.com/" Target="_blank"
runat="server">HyperLink to Infragistics</asp:HyperLink>
<igtab:Tab Text="Tab 2">
<a href="http://ko.infragistics.com/" target="_blank">Infragistics</a>
Hope this helps.
I have another query. Rather than opening in a separate window, is it possible to open the www.infragistics.com in a separate tab itself? I cannot see such an option.
<a href="http://ko.infragistics.com/" target="Tab[2]">Infragistics</a>// Something similar to this,is possible?
Thank you for the reply. The code is working and is very helpful that it is going to the tab correctly. I can see the link is going fine to the next tab.
But once it goes to the next tab,it is closing the tabs completely and opening it as a new page. How this can be avoided. It should be open with in the boundaries of Tab Control. No matter if scroll bar appears. Is this possible? Please help.
I believe this is possible through our client-side object model (CSOM) for the WebTab object documented here:
and especially the setSelectIndex fucntion:
var webTab = igtab_getTabById("UltraWebTab1"); if(webTab == null) return; var secondTab = 1; webTab.setSelectedIndex(secondTab);