The column headers are repeated for every grouped record in the grid when a group by column is present. I would like to know if there is a way to only display the headers once, at the top of the grid (similar to behavior that I believe exists in the WPF grid). I am using v2012.2. If it is not available out of the box in that version please let me know if there is a workaround or if upgrading to a more recent version would solve my problem.
As a kind of workaround I am currently using merged cells for the group by operation so that I have easy filtering on the records in the grid. This is not ideal because the horizontal space is wasted.
Hello Boyd,
I am just checking if you need any further assistance on the matter.
Is it possible to retemplate the control or something along those lines? If you can point me in the direction so I can try implementing it myself that would be greatly appreciated.