I have a WebMenu that I would like to place inside a WebAsyncRefreshPanel. The panel should be updated in response to events that occur outside of itself. That part's not a problem. However, I would like to enable/disable various submenu items in response to some of these events - and that's not working. The documentation states:
When using WebMenu supports the rendering of hierarchical menus that can be styled and data bound. The WebMenu control has server-side and client-side events that can be used. Toolbox Item: UltraWebMenu Namespace: Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator',event)">WebMenu in a WARP Panel, setting certain properties on the server during an asynchronous postback will not take effect on the client. This issue applies to any property that requires submenus to be re-rendered, and occurs because submenus are not refreshed during asynchronous postbacks. In most cases this is not an issue, as property changes that require re-rendering are fairly infrequent. For example, if you set the CheckBoxes property to True or False for the entire menu, during an asynchronous postback, this change won't be reflected on the client until a full postback is called.
When using
WebMenu supports the rendering of hierarchical menus that can be styled and data bound. The WebMenu control has server-side and client-side events that can be used.
Toolbox Item: UltraWebMenu
Namespace: Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator
Does the above mean that in order to enable/disable submenu items, I must do a full page postback? Or is there some way to get around this limitation?
Hi Ken,
That wording is a little vague, but disabling items should work on the client side, with out forcing a full postback. Do you have example code that you're trying?
Hi Tony,
Thanks for replying. It turns out you were right - the problem wasn't simply due to the fact that the WebMenu was inside a WebAsyncRefreshPanel. You see, my application has a fairly complex control hierarchy, and I was setting the LinkedRefreshControlID properties of my refresh panels in the designer. When you do this, the LinkedRefreshControlID property ends up looking something like "ctl00$AsyncRefreshPanelID". For some reason, the linked refresh panels were just not getting refreshed.
I solved the problem by setting the LinkedRefreshControlID properties of my refresh panels to the PageLoad event using the UniqueIDs of the panels I wanted to link to. Now my refresh panels are getting refreshed properly.
Thanks, Ken