I'm using a WebDataTree using Version=12.2.20122.2202.
I'm using the drag and drop functionality and when i move a node to another location inside the same tree y get a wrong address in the NodeClick client-side event, this does not happend if i activate the AutoPostBack NodeAdded="On" NodeDropped="On".
Is there any way to refresh the node address without use AutoPostback(only in client-side)?.
Hello rickycl ,
I’m just following up to see if you’ve been able to resolve your issue. If you have any questions or concerns or if you need further assistance please let me know.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
Hello Maya,
i have not had time to try this solution yet. I expect to try this solution next week.
Thank you for letting me know. If you encounter any issues or have any questions after trying out this approach don’t hesitate to let me know.
Developer Support Engineer II