webdatatgrid template columns
1) need an way to implement TemplatedColumn in wdg.
proteed void Grid_InitializeRow(object sender, RowEventArgs e){if (e.Row != null){TemplatedColumn primary = (TemplatedColumn)e.Row.Items.FindItemByKey("name").Column; // what is an alternative for TemplatedColumnGridRecordItem cellItemPrimary = (GridRecordItem)primary.CellItems[e.Row.Index]; // is this correct?
2) how to implement CellItems in webdatagrid
GridField cellItemfirst = (GridField)first.CellItems[e.Row.Index];
3)find control on webdatagrid
Image secImage = (Image)cellItemSecondary.findcontrol("imgcol");
Hello Arjun,
Thank you for posting in our forums!
The following documentation provides information on how you can implement a TemplateField in the WebDataGrid:
The following forum thread discusses your second and third questions related to CellItems and FindControl():
If you have any further questions or concerns with this, please let me know and I will be glad to help.
Please let me know if you still need help with this issue.