I have few custom summary operands on my grid. These summary operands span across some 15 or so columns and ~100K records. These operands are a bottle neck when filtering, sorting grouping etc...
My plan was to defer the summary calculations after filtering, sorting, grouping ....
I have the SummaryExecution="AfterFilteringAndPaging"flag set and I don't have paging turned on but short story this doesn't have any effect.
Any suggestions?
Hello Sint,
I am just checking your progress on the issue.
If you have any other questions on the matter, please feel free to ask.
I am using custom summaries.
The problem is that these summaries execute while filtering and while sorting. I just need to defer the execution of these custom summaries to after the grid filtered or sorted and rows are updated.
When summaries are executing while filtering / sorting it slows down the filtering and sorting.