I just updated my project to 2008.2 this morning. Now for all my WebNumericEdit controls, you cannot update the value. Looking at the source, it seems that an readonly="true" is added to the source for those controls for no reason. I tried a simple sample of one page with one control on it, and the problem does not occur. I tried putting that control into a web
Nothing to complex. Numeric editor within a user control
<igtxt:WebNumericEdit ID="SecuritiesChargeMember" runat="server" ValueText="0" ></igtxt:WebNumericEdit>
<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ctl00$SIRFF_Main$SIRFF_Main$CDDetailsControl0$RiskCapitalBeforeChargeSRO" id="ctl00_ctl00_SIRFF_Main_SIRFF_Main_CDDetailsControl0_RiskCapitalBeforeChargeSRO" value="0" /><input type="hidden" name="ctl00_ctl00_SIRFF_Main_SIRFF_Main_CDDetailsControl0_RiskCapitalBeforeChargeSRO_p" id="ctl00_ctl00_SIRFF_Main_SIRFF_Main_CDDetailsControl0_RiskCapitalBeforeChargeSRO_p" value="" /><input type="text" style="text-align:Right;ime-mode:disabled;" value="0" id="igtxtctl00_ctl00_SIRFF_Main_SIRFF_Main_CDDetailsControl0_RiskCapitalBeforeChargeSRO" readonly="true" />
Source before upgrade
<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ctl00$SIRFF_Main$SIRFF_Main$CDDetailsControl0$RiskCapitalBeforeChargeSRO" id="ctl00_ctl00_SIRFF_Main_SIRFF_Main_CDDetailsControl0_RiskCapitalBeforeChargeSRO" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="ctl00_ctl00_SIRFF_Main_SIRFF_Main_CDDetailsControl0_RiskCapitalBeforeChargeSRO_p" id="ctl00_ctl00_SIRFF_Main_SIRFF_Main_CDDetailsControl0_RiskCapitalBeforeChargeSRO_p" value="" /><input type="text" style="text-align:Right;" value="0" id="igtxtctl00_ctl00_SIRFF_Main_SIRFF_Main_CDDetailsControl0_RiskCapitalBeforeChargeSRO" />
A simple sample in a new project has no issues, but even a simple page on this upgraded project has this issue. All other infragistics controls appear to be okay.
Any thoughts?
Hi Guys,
My mistake here. I forgot to update the infragistics scripts within my project to the newest version. All is fine now.
That "readonly" was added to get around features in IE related to loading html and resources after async request. IE does not wait for resources and shows html instantly, but if resources are large, then user see input field and if script was not ran yet, then user might enter anything there. While initialization of control text is deleted. So, readonly does a trick.