Hey Team,
I am using GetCellProperty Function in qtp to fetch the value of x and y coordinates from swftable. But
while using this I am getting error
IG: [GetCelProperty] : Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int16' to type 'System.String'.
The code which i am using is
xCoordinate = SwfWindow("Window").SwfTable("WindowsGrid").GetCellProperty(1,1,"x")
Need this at very high priority. Thanks in advance.
Hi shafiqnadaf ,
Just checking back...did Michael's answer resolve the issue?
Passing a String value for row, column and propertyName parameter works. But the propertyName "x" is not working. I used "Value", "Height " and '"Width" property Name and they returned the values.
GetCellProperty("1","1", "Value")
Could someone help me to find the "x" parameter value or its equivalent.
I see that Mike from the TestAdvantage engineering team is helping you with this issue here:
can someone help me on this?