I am creating an orgchart. Data was loaded properly. What I would like to do is selecting a node then export data of the node into an excel. I tried to find a handler that helps me to identify the node where the mouse click is. I tried to implement the handlers provided in the Xamorgchart such as OnMouseLeftButton down, but it never be invoked. It could be that I implemented in a wrong way, I need some advise on this.
SelectionNodesCollectionChanged event will raise when the selected nodes is modified. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Michael
Thanks for getting back to me on this. I am using VB and I already created this event but when I selected node(s), this event was never triggered (I put a breakpoint in there). I wonder if I need to implement some thing extra in order to trigger this event. I already set the selection mode to be multiple.