While using IText.AddRichContent method, the line breaks are not maintained in the pdf file generated. In addition if using the left hand angle bracket < it is causing it to think it is a HTML open tag and is cutting off any text after that point.
So if the actual content is :
HiThis is a new Line.<Thank you> for using the service.<i>Another New Line.</i>
The pdf file will have the content printed as :
Hi This is a new Line. for using the service. Another New Line.
The documentation mentions AddRichContent method only supports few tags. Is there any workaround these issues.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I have some questions concerning this matter. Have you tried using escape sequences for those characters? How are you doing the new line/line breaks? What version are you using?
Hi Mike,
The new line comes as \r\n in the text. Using escape sequence did not help, but replacing "\r\n" with "<br/> maintained the line breaks. But the issue with using the left hand angle bracket in the text is cutting off any text after that point thinking its a HTML open tag.
I am using version 13.2.20132.2023.