I have a multi-tab application with grids in tabs 1 and 2. In tab two, we initially load the grid with data on launch and have no issues with the vertical scrollbar being
displayed when we have data beyond the visible boundary of the grid.
However, this is not the case in the web data grid in tab 1. It is initially empty and we add data to the table by initially getting a datatable and then we merge to the existing datable and binding. Only difference is that when we reach the visible border of the grid, no scrollbar appears.
The webdatagrids are defined exactly the same in both tabs.
Hey Pavel,
Thank you for contacting us and for the detailed explanation!
May I ask you some question related to Grid's configuration and used product version, for example could you please share with me if you are using BatchUpdating for example, are you adding the rows only on the client without commit to the server and respectively databind? Also are you using virtual scrolling or load on demand featured of the Grid, in general providing a code snippet with your Grid configuration would be very helpful, or better a sample that is showing the issue.
As for my thoughts, since this is not a known issue for us and I don't know how your Grid is configured, my suggestion is to have a look at your height attribute, for example a lot of issues are related to percentage boundaries and parent elements which don't have correct boundaries. Also, issues may appear when using Virtualization and Load on Demand. Also about the parent element (WebTab) could you please let me know if there is something in particular that I should know about it.
Could you please also share with me your exact product version?
Looking forward for your reply!
Controls version: 15.2.20152.2042
Height is calculated through javascript whenever the control is resized and on initial load. It is not set to a percentage. Columns are auto-generated.
This is my grid definition:
<ig:WebDataGrid ID="dgView" runat="server" Width="100%" StyleSetName="LucidDream" OnInit="dgView_Init" Visible="true" EnableAjax="False" EnableViewState="false" OnInitializeRow="dgView_InitializeRow">
<ig:DropDownProvider ID="ddlViewValues" EditorControl-Width="50px">
<EditorControl runat="server" ID="ViewDropDown" ClientIDMode="Predictable" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="200px" DropDownContainerWidth="50px" EnableAnimations="False" EnableDropDownAsChild="False" DisplayMode="DropDownList" TextField="ViewValues" EnableCustomValues="False">
<ig:DropDownItem Selected="False" Text="V" Value="V">
<ig:DropDownItem Selected="False" Text="C" Value="C">
<ig:DropDownItem Selected="False" Text="L" Value="L">
<ig:DropDownItem Selected="False" Text="X" Value="X">
<ig:DropDownItem Selected="False" Text="W" Value="W">
<ig:DropDownItem Selected="False" Text="-" Value="-">
<DropDownItemBinding ValueField="ViewValues" TextField="ViewValues" />
<ClientEvents Initialize="dgView_Grid_Initialize" />
<ig:VirtualScrolling Enabled="False"></ig:VirtualScrolling>