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scatter chart series icons... UseGroupByColumn

the help text says:


The column specified must contain a set of repeating, numeric values that are used to group each set of data points into a series of related scatter points.

A different Character or SymbolIcon (based on the setting of Icon) is used to render each data series related by this grouping column.


How the hell do I do it?... I have searched high and low for some sort of example or instruction but there is nothing. I am deeply frustrated by the lack of useful help text with infragistics controls. What should be an easy to integrate control is becoming a time wasting, trial and error, guessing game.  Give us some decent documentation Infragistics!

  • 10880

    Here is sample code in using this property:

    DataTable dt = new DataTable();

    dt.Columns.Add("title", typeof(string));

    dt.Columns.Add("valx", typeof(int));

    dt.Columns.Add("valy", typeof(int));

    dt.Columns.Add("groupby", typeof(int));

    dt.Rows.Add("one", 1, 1, 0);

    dt.Rows.Add("two", 2, 2, 1);

    dt.Rows.Add("three", 3, 3, 2);

    UltraChart1.ChartType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.ChartType.ScatterChart;

    // UltraChart1.ScatterChart.Icon = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.SymbolIcon.X;

    UltraChart1.ScatterChart.GroupByColumn = 3;

    UltraChart1.ScatterChart.UseGroupByColumn =

    UltraChart1.Data.DataSource = dt;



    You will notice that each series or grouping based on the defined column will have a different color and a different icon.  You can control the coloring by using the ColorModel off the chart.  The icon however is generated by random.  If you wanted to use the same icon but differnt colors you would just comment in the line I have commented out.  If you wanted to control what icons are used, you would most likely have to make use of a composite chart so that you could define the icon on each scatter chart layer.


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