Hi ,
I am showing a web page in web dialog window. when I show web dialog window with show(); method using javascript, it is first displaying the previous content and then after 10 seconds the new page is being displayed, that is refreshed with present url.
How can i clear the content page so that i will show blank instead of the previous page till the new page shows up?
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I have some questions concerning this matter:
How are you setting up the url initially?How/When are you changing it?
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the immediate response i really appreciate it .
I am setting up the url in javascript onclientclick button event.
So it displays the given url in the popup and i do some selections in the popup. I close the popup window after i do some events in pop up.
After closing if i open the pop up it shows page with previous window state 20 seconds or so then it refreshes with the default url state.
So here is the issue i dont want that previous state of the popup page but default state of the pop page.
setting up url initially
var ContentURl = "CreateEmp.aspx"; var oWnd = $find("oWindClientID"); oWnd.get_contentPane().set_contentUrl(ContentURl); oWnd.show();
When i close i call below javascript
var oWnd = this.parent.$find("oWindClientID") ; oWnd.hide();
When i open i again i call first set javscript code ( setting up url initially )
So second time when i open it should display only the default url page not page with previous changes.
Let me know if it is not clear.