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web drop downs are taking too long to load in ASP.NET GridView


   I am using infragistics webdropdowns in a GridView for ASP.NET web application. There are multiple webdropdowns in each row of GridView like 14 or 15 webdropdowns and there are 15 to 20 rows in GridView. Everything is fine with it but it took too long for page loading even after postback. Is it because of some javascript files that are loading each time for webdropdowns or something else?

Please suggest me how to reduce the loading time of page.

P.S: I am new in infragistics.


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    Hello Usman, 

    Thank you for posting to our forum. 

    To assist you better I would like to know How many records do you have in WebDropDown?

    As you are using Microsoft GridView I would recommend to use WebDataGrid and check the performance. 

    You can also use Lazy loading feature of WebDropDown which allows you to provide data to the WebDropDown control when the end-user tries to open the drop-down container or when they try to type into the value display. This feature greatly improves the performance of your application, especially when you have many WebDropDown controls on a page.

    WebDropDown also supports load-on-demand. If load-on-demand is enabled, the end-user should first be able to see a scrollbar in the dropdown container, and if they scroll to the end of the list more items are fetched and appended at the bottom of the list through asynchronous callbacks. Enabling load-on-demand significantly reduces the bandwidth and processing overhead on both the server and the client.

    WebDropDow supports a paging mechanism that helps to break a long list of items into multiple separate pages reducing load time and increasing performance.

    Please let me know if you need further assistance.
