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Images for UltraChart and UltraGuage
Hi, I am working on the Chart and Guage tools in Infragistics I happened to see that all the chart and ultra guage images in the web page is being store in separate folder in the virtual directory. The worst case is for each page load/refresh a copy of chart image is created and stored in the folder. I want to know is that is how the control is need to behave? If it is so, don't you think the folder size in the IIS will grow :( Or is there any other configuration needs to be done. Please help.
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     by default, the chart's DeploymentScenario.ImageUrl property is something like Chart_#SEQNUM(100).png.  the #SEQNUM bit means that the charts will be named in a sequence of 1-100, and then start writing at 1 again.  this means the folder will not get bigger over time.

    the gauge handles things a bit differently by default, you will see words like #CLIENT and #SESSION in the DeploymentScenario.ImageURL, which means the ClientID of the control and a Session ID will be used in the filename.  these files get deleted by the gauge's Dispose method, so disk space should not be an issue with the gauge either.

    it is also possible to stream images through an .aspx page using Session-based deployment, if you want to avoid using the file system altogether.
