Hi All
I have an image that I am putting onto a PDF report, I have no problem in doing this. The problem I'm having is ,when I look at the PDF created, the image I have put on is poor quality. The image itself is a .png and when I view it in other packages it's a high quality image. Is there a way to ensure the image that goes onto the pdf is of the same quailty.
I think what you are looking for is the image compressor in [imageobject].Preferences.Compressor
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the reply. I have tried the image compressor route but still no luck the images are still degrading when I put them on the PDF. I have tried the JPG compressor with the quality set to 100 but there was no marked improvement so then I tried the Flate compressor which apparently is lossless, but this wouldn't even generate the pdf. So I'm stuck, the images I am trying to put on are quite technical so the image quality must be good.