hello friends,
i have a webmonthview contol which shows the current appointments for the day.
when i click the appointment for the day it opens the default appointment window.
but instead i have to open my custom window in the click event of the webmonthview control and pass the value of the appointment to the custom window.
for example if the appointment for the day is 2:00 to 2:30,i should be able to pass this value to the custom window in the client-side click event of the web month view control as querystring.
please help!......
I am having largely the same issue. Did you ever figure this out? How do you pass the date/time or key to the new page?
Now I'm using ASP and overrode the WebScheduleInfo AppointmentFormPath to point to my ASPX for but I do not see how to get the key or date/time or any other information from the calling WebDayView
Well I think I've answered my own question. I used the WebScheduleInfo ActivityDialogOpening feature to prevent the AppointmentAdd.aspx from loading (using oEvent.cancel = true) so that I can call my completely custom form. I pass it the Datakey so I can load the data from my own database configuration and the StartDate/Time to handle NEW appointments.
function WebSchedualeInfo1_ActivityDialogOpening(oScheduleInfo, oEvent, oDialog, oActivity){ oEvent.cancel = true; //Cancel default form var StartTime = oActivity.getStartDateTime(); //Get Activity start time to pass to custom form var key = oActivity.getDataKey(); window.showModalDialog("fCustomAppointment.aspx?StartTime=" + StartTime + "&Key=" + key); window.location.reload();}